电动汽车并不是什么新鲜的事、是早在19世纪30年代、就开始试制研发啦、大量应用是在20世纪初、到20世纪30年代中 就基本被内燃汽车而取代之、但不久又开始死灰复燃、在20世纪60年代后各国又开始研讨重走老路。。。。
Robert Anderson, a British inventor, is often credited with building the first electric carriage, which was built in the 1830s. It is not clear when this exactly happened, but it occurred sometime around 1832-1839. Similar efforts around that time occurred in the Netherlands and Hungary, where there was a lot of interest in developing transport using electricity. This included work by Professor Sibrandus Stratingh of Groningen, Holland and the Hungarian inventor Ányos Jedlik. These early vehicles were effectively carriages that could move a short distance on some electric charge and be steered by a large stick-like device. Effectively, many of the first cars were electric, as people experimented with different ways to power them.[1]