在ARB的官网浏览了一下,暂时还没有MU-X的配件,但是有现款2012年至今版D-MAX的,以D-MAX和MU-X的血缘关系大概这些配件MU-X也是通用的(有待确认),在Air Lockers这项是可选的(见截图),
然后在ARB自己的ARB 4x4Action电子杂志2013年7月刊(http://www.arb.com.au/news/magazines/au/,http://cache.arb.com.au/arb4x4ac ... Action_July2013.pdf)里面第34~35页有一篇题为“TO THE MAX THE ISUZU D-MAX GETS THE FULL TREATMENT FROM ARB”的文章,当中有这样一段原文引述如下“Among the range of products for the D-Max are front and rear ARB Air Lockers. Providing 100% traction at the flick of a switch, Air Lockers are a pneumatically operated replacement differential that lets you get a grip in harsh and slippery terrain. Utilising aerospace grade materials, Air Lockers are designed and manufactured in Melbourne and fitted to over 250,000 vehicles throughout the world.”(见截图) 没错,五十铃在澳大利亚卖的D-MAX原厂车也没有加锁,但是为什么ARB会有对应D-MAX的锁呢?而且是“front and rear ARB Air Lockers”呢?