The grass, Out chair and old woods. The intoxication to the nature is what luxury can not be compared to. Cultivate people's morality and repair the house, the money has profound meaning, but the quantity of life is heavy.
Approachable, natural and modern living space no longer expresses the pursuance for comforts through extravagance. One table, one chair, often finds the way of blending in functionality and elegance. http://item.jd.com/1222926138.html
The ones out of the ordinary always enjoy that out of the ordinary. The nobility of the unordinary people is to pursue enjoyment of life, to do as they like, to imagine, to fly the mind, to be open-minded. Have a cup of black tea in the afternoon will make you bath in perfect atmosphere. 作者: 猎户座客服 时间: 2014-10-23 15:49 静静地躺着,沐浴阳光。一身的疲劳和乏味在不经意里离你远去。在旁边的椅子上搁一杯咖啡还是浓茶,这不重要,有一本好的小说那是最舒服的。
Lie silently to enjoy the sunshine bath. The fatigue and vapidity goes off unconsciously. It is of no consequence whether you put a cup of coffee or tea on the chair sideward. A good fiction is the most comfortable.
Like to present natural quality of life, allow day flow casually. Allow everything display sincere expression under the natural status. The delicate hands of lover, the smiling face of the child, the wild flower in the pottery pot, the dinner on the table…..Maybe the plainest is the best. A home is an ideal settling place
杯子和椅子都是一对对的,是为了展示我和他的默契情感,杯上袅袅升起的热烈气息是酝酿已久的生活情趣在延展。 The pairs of cups and chairs are to show the privities between him and me. The hot breath rises above the cup is the extension of life fun.
Out of the window, the warmth of the sun, with the family sitting on the grass,enjoying the sunshine and Food, savor the modern simplicity of life sentiment,feeling life of pure and clear, so nice to make you crush.
Nature makes life full of poetic flavor In the afternoon with warm sunshine, with the diffusing faint scent of red wine, the relaxed music like running water and the soft heart, two people start a cozy time with Picnic mat and two branches of iced wine. http://item.jd.com/1219149638.html